Key Facts:
Climate – varies from tropical to desert
Population – 128,649,565
GDP (Per Capita) (2020) – $10,405
Official language – Spanish (National language)
Major Religions – Christianity (90.3%), Other Religions (1.9%)
Ethnic Groups – White/European Mexicans (47%), Indigenous (23%), Afro Mexicans (2%)
Government – federal presidential republic
Currency – Peso (MXN)
Taxes – Mexican nationals are taxed on their worldwide income. Non-residents are taxed only on Mexican- source income.
Income is taxed, in part, under a schedular system, although some categories of income can be mixed to determine taxable income. Profits derived from the carrying on by an individual of a trade or profession generally are taxed in the same way as profits derived by companies. A separate regime applies to interest earned by individuals. Rates are progressive up to 35%.
Capital gains arising from an individual’s sale of publicly traded shares, including financial derivatives, are subject to a 10% tax on the gains.
Residency by Investment:
Permanent Resident Visas are issued to foreign nationals who have the intention of living in Mexico for long periods of time (over 6 months) AND who intend to settle permanently (indefinitely) in Mexico. To apply for and be granted a permanent resident visa, the applicants must:
- Have certain close family connections in Mexico
- Apply for retirement status and prove they have sufficient monthly income (or substantial assets) to support themselves
- Have 4 consecutive years of regular status as Temporary Resident
- Have 2 consecutive years of regular status as Temporary Resident where that Temporary Visa was issued through marriage to a Mexican National or a foreign permanent resident
- Meet a minimum score under the Points System
- Be granted residency on humanitarian grounds or through political asylum
Citizenship by Investment:
To be Updated.
What makes it special?
To be Updated.