Key Facts:
Climate – Réunion has a hot sub-tropical climate with sea temperatures that rarely drop below 23°C. The interior uplands have an almost temperate climate.
Population (2020) – 859,959
GDP (Per Capita) (2007) – $23,501
Official language – French
Major religions – Christianity (86.9%), Hinduism (6.7%), Islam (3.2%)
Ethnic Groups – African, Indian, European, Malagasy, Chinese
Currency – Euro (EUR)
Government – Réunion is governed by French law, and its constitution is the French constitution
Taxes – For rentals, the net income received by a nonresident is subject to a minimum income tax rate of 20%, unless the taxpayer can prove that, if he had been resident in France, his effective rates of taxation (on his worldwide income) would have been lower than 20% (which is unlikely). This rate applies to both furnished and unfurnished rentals. For capital gains, new rules were introduced in 2004. EU residents and residents of France now pay 16% on the net gain, after deduction of acquisition and improvement costs (the default deductions under these two headings are 7.5% and 15% respectively, but if invoices can be produced, more may be allowable). For both residents and nonresidents, discounts of 10% a year are allowed after the fifth year of ownership, with the effect that after 15 years no gain is chargeable to tax.
Residency by Investment:
According to which country a person if from, there are different visas which a person can apply for to visit Reunion.
Citizenship by Investment:
To be Updated.
Why it makes sense?
To be Updated.
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