Always go to the bathroom when you have a chance! King George V would not have said this if he saw most of the boring holiday home bathrooms with the owners hardly paying any attention to interior design, technical fitness, maintenance, and cleanliness. Ugly tiles, slippery floors, dull paint, no natural light – who would want to visit a bathroom like this for a second time?
These days, people expect a lot more from a bathroom. Besides cleanliness and technical fitness, they want bathrooms to be artistic and well-designed, with unique decorations, colourful shower curtains and towels, wall mirrors adding light and illusion and many more features.
Holiday home makers cannot ignore a bathroom just because it’s a bathroom. There is a lot to do to make your bathroom functional, fault-free and beautiful. That, however, does not necessarily mean that you have to knock down the walls or replace the tiles. You can remodel the bathroom just by following a few tips for bathroom design.
So, how do you turn your holiday home bathroom into a place of complete relaxation?
- First of all, re-examine some critically important construction basics, like whether there are any badly-made shower pans or flushes, whether the floor is slippery,whether there is water leakage, or enough natural light. It must be kept in mind that a bathroom needs technical finesse, in the absence of which even a very well-designed and highly-equipped bathroom would be little praiseworthy.
- Functionality is another important factor. There is no point emphasising bathroom decor, and ignoring comfort, especially when we are not going to use the bathroom ourselves. So, do not miss this point. For example, the bathroom cabinet should have ample storage capacity so that all personal care products can be kept there easily in an organized manner. Toileteries like soaps, towels, lotions and other accessories should be placed in the bathroom. Also, there must be a mirror that blends well with the overall appearance.
- It is equally important to make your holiday home bathroom beautiful and a pleasant place to start the day. To do that, for example, you can get the bathroom painted well and in some cases, a good paint job makes all the difference. You can use bright colours to create a great ambience. Choosing some particular colours can even make a small bathroom look bigger.
- Use lighting in a smart way. For instance, a dim lighting option can add a wonderfully relaxing mood especially while taking a bath. Selecting good bathroom light fixtures and bathroom ceiling lights is also a great idea.
- Bathroom mirrors is another design element which not only adds light to the bathroom but also expands the room visually. You can also add a second mirror above the bathroom sink, which can be used for aesthetic purposes, besides adding functionality to the bathroom.
- In addition, carefully-selected tiles and their variety in colour, texture and size help to bring brightness and beauty to a bathroom
- Even the over-the-toilet storage shelves can be used as a stylish way to keep your necessities organized and create a perfect ambience as well. To do that, however, you need not hide everything out of sight. You can also go for small space-savers like separate towel racks, magazine holders, and wall-hanging fresheners. Even a decorative chair could be kept if there is enough space and it can be practically used for storing towels, soaps, or other small items.
- You can also use plants. Doing so, will also create a grounded, earthy look in your bathroom.
- Also placing works of art or hanging framed pictures on the bathroom wall is a great idea, especially if you are remodelling your holiday home bathroom or concealing broken tiles.
Concluding, holiday home owners must keep in mind that like any other rooms in a house, the bathroom requires proper attention. In fact, it needs to be more technically fit, more well-maintained than other rooms.
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